Monday, May 25, 2020
Same Sex Marriage Essay - 1145 Words
Same-sex marriage (â€Å"SSM†) is known as the wedding between two people of a similar sex in another social phenomenon, prompting another sort of family formation. In current circumstances, SSM did not exist until the 21st century, when an expanding number of nations started allowing homosexuals to marry lawfully. SSM is producing a mix of delight, debate, and restriction in numerous countries around the globe, mainly in the U.S. In reality, the official acknowledgment of same-sex marriage has developed as a standout amongst the most socially, politically, and legitimately disruptive issues of the day. While most responses to this new type of marriage and family arrangement have been extreme and vocal, numerous reporters, and additionally the†¦show more content†¦A social union or lawful contract between two productive people with the end goal of making kids might allude to as a customary marriage. A wedding, a societal organization, may allude to a relationship wher eby private and sexual engagements recognized in several routes, contingent upon where the bond began. A customary marriage typically has a formal enlistment through a wedding service, also called marriage. A wedding happens for one out of various reasons, including legitimate, social, passionate, monetary, religious, and profound primarily. Marriages are regularly perceived by the state, religious expert, or the two organizations. Universal marriage is a lawfully perceived union known by the legislative establishment unattached to a religious association. Conjugal contracts can likewise be broken or disintegrated through a separative procedure known as a separation or invalidation. The two definitions convey different undertones from culture to culture with each forcing shifting punishments. The faltering of the official or potentially religious affiliation. Same-sex marriage has existed throughout history. In antiquated circumstances, the unions were not endorsed by any representing body but rather services held in different parts of the world where people of a similarShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriages Essay1773 Words  | 8 PagesSame Sex Marriages Introduction From the day we are born to the day that we die the one thing EVERYONE is looking for is that one person that they could spend the rest of their lives with. Each person dreams about their one true love, someone they can marry, have a family with and live happily ever after. We were all taught this at a very young age watching the adults around us, and Disney movies about finding our prince charming, but what if you fall in love with someone you never expected? WhatRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Essay1370 Words  | 6 PagesWhat are others doing? Canada is not the first country in the world to address whether and how to legally recognize same-sex unions. Indeed, Canada is coming to the debate later than many countries. Several countries have debated this issue for many years and have come up with a variety of approaches, ranging from same-sex marriage in the Netherlands to the legal recognition of domestic partners, registered partnerships and civil unions in Scandinavia, parts of Europe and parts of the United StatesRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1633 Words  | 7 Pagesare still struggling to earn civil liberties, like same-sex marriage. If some change isn’t made now, their struggle for rights could last even longer than other minorities have endured. Since there is no national ruling made to abolish same-sex marriage, each state sets its own laws regarding gay marriage. Currently in the US, five states allow same-sex marriage, several states offer civil unions, and the large majority of states ban same-sex marri age. Today, several groups, including ConservativesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Essay792 Words  | 4 PagesSame-Sex Marriage has been an issue in our country since the 1970s. In 2015, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all fifty states. In the article, â€Å"Gay Marriage – and Marriage†, the author, Sam Shulman, is an opponent of same-sex marriage. He explains his position as â€Å"someone passionately and instinctively opposed to the idea of homosexual marriage.†(Shulman) He believes that same-sex marriage will make humanity worse off than it already. Shulman believes that â€Å"our ability to maintainRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1536 Words  | 7 PagesPeople can define marriage in numerous ways. By definition, to marry means to join together. So, a marriage would constitute as a joining together of two individuals into a legal union, which means being joined as one. Some of the many purposes of marriage would include: family, companionship, financial benefits, commitment, and love. Starting a family is an important part of getting married, as well as the commitment to love just the one person for the rest of their lives. Financially, married couplesRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1474 Words  | 6 PagesJust about everyone has an opinion on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry. The arguments range from personal beliefs to what marriage is said to be in the Bible. Why should a couple be forbidden from showing each other along with family and friends that they are fully committed to each other? W hat place is it for the government to say that said couple is not allowed to commit to the one who truly makes you happy? Why should these people who are willing to be together forRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1186 Words  | 5 PagesSupreme Court unanimously voted against the laws of Virginia that banned interracial marriage, officially ending years of oppression towards couples of different races (Loving). Yet today, decades after the civil rights movement, another form of subjugation is plaguing America. This subjugation is of the homosexual community, as most states ban same-sex marriage and refuse to even recognise it. Opponents of same-sex marriage state several reasons as to why it should not be permitted, however, these argumentsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Essay877 Words  | 4 PagesSame Sex Marriage! There are many different views and opinions on the relationship between a man and a woman vs. the relationship between a man and a man or a woman and a woman for that matter. Same-sex marriage is a big issue in the United States, many are against it however; many are for it. If you do your research, you can find many negative and positive reasons for which society thinks it should be legal or illegal. What people fail to realize, is that what matters in a marriage is love. MarriageRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1176 Words  | 5 Pagesmany countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have begun to acknowledge the rights of homosexuals. However, homosexuals are still fighting today to become equal with all citizens in hopes of receiving their respective rights. Same-sex marriage is against the axiom of many religions and is predicted to be controversial for a very long time. Nonetheless, we are known to have the separation of church from state. Separation of churc h and state is known to be the distance between organizedRead MoreEssay On Same Sex Marriage1118 Words  | 5 PagesMarriage is an institution governed by societal values. Traditionally, it was defined as a union between individuals of the opposite sex, but this definition has changed over the years. Marriage between people of the same sex used to be regarded as unacceptable because it violated family values. However, this perception changed over time, and people became more open to same-sex marriage. On June 27, 2015, BBC News reported that same-sex marriage had gained legal recognition in all U.S. states. The
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay Jamaica Oman - 1075 Words
Sophia Dai Dr. Gannon Global Perspectives 14 Sep. 2014 Dual Sides of Femininity in Louise Bennett’s Poem â€Å"Jamaica Oman†â€Å"Oman luck mus come!†(48). These words demonstrate Louise Bennett’s view that Jamaican women are liberated and share the same level of respect as men, who used to be regarded as superior. No matter their races or social classes, Jamaican women rise from discriminated groups to be the heads of households and successful leaders in all kinds of professions. Louise Bennett herself was actually one of these rising women. Born in a rural family, she was a successful writer who insisted on writing in Jamaican English, the dialect deeply influenced by English colonization. Viewed by colonizers as corruption of English†¦show more content†¦Here, Louise Bennett is praising women for making efforts to accomplish double work compared to what men usually do. Second, Jamaican women manipulate behind the scenes, secretly managing the whole family without catching notice of their men. â⠂¬Å"An Jamaica man no know she wear, De trousiz all de while!†(35-36). As we can see from the phrase â€Å"wearing trousers,†the head of the household was always thought to be men, instead of women, who used to wear dresses all the time. Moreover, our cunning Jamaican women are frugal. They are strict with their husbands’ prodigal expenses, and struggle to keep the â€Å"fambly budget from explode†(38w ). They are in charge of the finance, which would have been thought impossible and inappropriate before liberation. Moreover, when a man mocks her by singing â€Å"Oman a heaby load†(40), Jamaican woman is not defeated at all: But de cunny Jamma oman Ban her belly, bite her tongue, Ketch water, put pot pon fire An jus dig her toe a grung. (41-44) â€Å"Ban her belly†means â€Å"binds her belly,†a metaphor used for saving money, which emphasizes again that the woman is in charge of the family budget. This seems to create an imageShow MoreRelatedThe Intellectual Property Rights Of The North American Country856 Words  | 4 PagesSource- Wikipedia The United States Of America has number of treaties and conventions with other countries. that helps the country with many advantages. The country has treaties with Beijing, Singapore, Paris, Brussels, Columbia, Panama, Jamaica, magnolia, Oman, Uruguay, Jordan, Chile, Vietnam, Croatia, Bahrain, European community, Estonia, Sri Lanka, morocco, turkey, Bangladesh, Israel, Korea and even many more countries (Convention and Treaties, 2014). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Christianity And The Modern World Essay - 1636 Words
Ideologies has played a major part in today’s society, especially cultural ideologies. An ideology in and of itself is defined by Merriam-Webster’s as â€Å"the set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political party†. Ideologies play such huge roles in our lives since they are essentially how some people identity themselves. These ideologies can be political, social, economic, cultural and more. They all define who we represent in our everyday lives as individuals. Likewise, a major religious ideology that has been prevalent in the Modern World since 1815 is Christianity. Christianity is the world’s largest religion serving as an umbrella term for so many sub religions and representing so many interpretations. Since its creation it has played a major role in the lives of thousands of individuals seeking to â€Å"reborn†in the eyes of their lord and savior Jesus Christ. As a result, is it important to note the role Christianity has played on other ideologies in the United States. Which is why this paper will serve to identify the role that Christianity in the modern world since 1815 has played on Native Americans, Muslims and those of Jewish Descent. Starting with Native Americans their history with Christianity was fueled with cultural destruction and domination. This was the case because during a time Christians were embarking on a worldwide scheme to convert or kill essentially. Notably, when Christopher Columbus landed in then Hispaniola, he along with is constitutes ensued soShow MoreRelatedChristianity And The Modern World1341 Words  | 6 PagesIn my thesis essay, I choose Christianity as my essay topic, in my essay I will cover the common characteristics how Christianity contribute to the modern world. And how the role of the women has changed over time based on Christianity religion. I hope to show my professor that I fully understand the subject I am writing on while developing a conclusion of my essay. Christianity creation even though the organ may seem long, according to biblical terms Christianity was formed appormiety around 6300Read MoreChristianity Is Materialistic While Buddhism Is Philosophical.1517 Words  | 7 PagesChristianity is Materialistic while Buddhism is Philosophical Name of Student Institution Affiliation Abstract Christianity was started by Christ through his teachings on earth. Though the son of God, he was born in a humble home and started his ministry at thirty years of age. He was crucified and rose from the dead after which he instructed his disciples to spread his gospel to all parts of the world. Born Gautama Siddhartha, son of a king who hoped the prince would becomeRead MoreRomes Contribution to Todays Society Essay934 Words  | 4 Pagesfoundation of modern civilization characterized the Roman era. However, the eras single most important contribution to modern society was Romes adoption of Christianity. Christianity, having its foundational roots in Judaism, was born in the midst of the Roman era. It has shaped todays society on many different levels with varying degrees of legal, political and sociological implications. Christianity was an outgrowth of Judaism, one of the three major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, andRead MoreThe Origins Of Christianity And Hinduism1737 Words  | 7 PagesFor the majority of the time that the largest religions in the world have existed, it has been in the pre modern era. As people developed and new ways of thought emerged, the scientific revolution sparked the modern era. This spark is what started to challenge many of the beliefs and practices upheld through all religions. Through these challenges, different interpreters and practices have formed which changed the course of development form the contemporary time period. This paper will reflect ofRead MoreA Book Critique of The Advancement: Keeping the Faith in an Evolutionary Age1389 Words  | 6 PagesEvolutionary Age, he details the development and apparent fallacy associated with the modern naturalist worldview. Bush, a professor at Southeast Baptist Theological Seminary, focuses on the ide a of inevitable progression within the modern worldview and provides an overview of this view’s promulgation within epistemology. Bush asserts Christians are no longer socially the majority in their beliefs regarding a world created by God and thus the civil authorities are no longer there to protect their beliefsRead MoreThe Impact Of The Gnostic Movement On The Way Of Looking At The World Essay1650 Words  | 7 PagesHistorically, man has developed a number of ways of looking at the world, using either theoretical models or empirical demonstrations to unearth the truth behind the unknown. 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Anderson believes that the modern church is plagued by a significant divide between theology and practical Christianity. Many churches approach these two aspects of religion as if they are separate, rather the practical sides of Christianity lacking. Therefore, Andersons goal in the book is to relate modern practical Christianity directly to theology. He uses theology to tackle some of the major social issues that impact on modern practicing ChristiansRead MoreDiscuss How Secularism Has Affected the Development of Christianity Since the Reformation. How Does Modern Christianity (Since 1600) Differ from Traditional Christianity (Before 1600 Ce)?860 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Enlightenment to modern scientific society, on the other. Some political analysts prefer the term laicization to describe this institutional secularization of society, that is, the replacement of official religious control by no religious authority.[1][2] It is clear that these two forces represent opposite tendencies of thought. To insist upon the principles of traditional Christianity is to rob modern views of its very life; it opposes pessimism to the optimism of modern thought. And yet reconciliationRead MoreChristianity, Religion Based On The Life And Teachings Of Christianity1536 Words  | 7 PagesA Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christian derives from the Koine Greek word Christà ³s, a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach. There are diverse interpretations of Christianity which sometimes conflict. However, Whatever else they might disagree about, Christians are at least united in believing that Jesus has a unique significance. It is also used as a label to identify people
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Singapore Airline’s Response To The Economic Crisis †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Singapore Airlines Response To The Economic Crisis. Answer: Introduction Singapore Airline got recognition as being one of the worlds premiere airlines. It has been voted as the best Airline in the world and in the year 1995, Singapore Airlines was regarded as the most admired firm by the magazine of Asian Business. However, the Economic Crisis of Asia affected most of the Airlines in Asia (, 2017) Singapore International Airlines was also affected by this crisis. However, the airlines, decided to take up acted as a response to this crisis. The airlines adopted strategic management forces in order to comply with the economic crisis when the airlines decided to launch its biggest product. This lead the airlines to a biggest dilemma about that its competitors are facing harsh crisis. Against this background, it is important to note about the mission and vision of the company along with its core competencies. The way the Air Asia has responded to the crisis as well comes under the strength, weakness opportunities and threats of the company. B y taking into account these perspectives, it is important rather to determine the policies of the organization and how it has tackled the problem of the Asian crisis when the other Asia Airlines suffered tremendous loss (, 2017). Vision of the Singapore International Airlines Singapore Airlines has a responsibility not only to be an excellent Singapore Airlines has a responsibility not only to be an excellent company, but also to be an excellent citizen of the world by enhancing the lives of the people we touch. With that aim in mind, we have made many commitments to the arts and education, to our communities, and the health and welfare of our countrys citizens, and those in countries we fly to. With this goal in mind, weve also made a strong commitment to preserving the environment and our world for future generations. Having the aim in mind, the airlines have built commitments to the education and arts, to the communities and welfare and health of the society and the citizens of the countries where the airlines fly. Having these improvements in mind as well as the goals, the airlines of Singapore has also made stronger commitments in order to preserve the environment and the world for the future generations. The organization has also strived for the sa fety goals (, 2017). The safety vision is easily available to the public so that they can understand about these important safety goals. The vision therefore, of the airlines industry of Singapore is to become the competitive and foremost aviation group. It looks forward to become passenger focused, flight catering in a best way in the competitive field. Mission of the airlines The mission of the airlines are Offer superior service in every area, at competitive price, yielding a surplus to finance expansion and modernization, and provide a satisfactory return to shareholders. All this, while keeping employees satisfied, happy, and motivated.The airlines of Singapore are an international company, which is dedicated to provide transportation services by air having the highest quality and to enhance the returns for the benefits of its employees and shareholders. Its mission is to become the leading aviation group in Asia by rendering reliable and safe passengers the good services (, 2017). Core competencies of Singapore International Airlines Having stronger capabilities and the core competencies, the airlines is becoming strongly competent. Firstly, the airlines are providing service which is based on the excellence of being cost effective. During the economic crisis, the airlines of Singapore has reduced 2.5% of its cost and increased its service to the other countries (, 2017; Drucker, 2017). This important core competency is being supported by the excellent management though the means of communication and motivating the employees in order to build the reputation of the Singapore Airlines Industry. Airlines have made itself stronger along with the mission of the industry. The Airlines through providing excellent services have a built a long- term relationships. The beautiful designs of the services, total innovation of the airport, the employees and the staff development are the important resources of the Singapore Airline Industry are slowly building up the core competencies of the airlines industry (D ermol, 2012; Om Yu 2012). Other than the resources, the brand name of the airline industry has made them famous and a core competent due to the availability of its resources. The employees who are considered as the most important resources and the employees who give helpful assistance to the company during the crisis made the airline industry to gain its core competency (Drucker, 2017). Strength of the of SIA Singapore airlines are bearing strength that it is having the second largest strongest fleets of aircraft in the industry of airlines. The airlines are having a strong support from the government of Singapore. The major strong points of the company is the brand image, size and its positioning strategy. The company for the sake of its brand image earned the annual profit of 340 million in the dollars of Singapore. The international airlines of Singapore took risk during the Asian economic crisis which stated, the airlines in a different position was attracting the wealthy Europeans and the Americans who are willing to pay their services and seating at the premium upgrade or else the airlines feared that it would suffer loss. Despite the crisis, the flight was known for its excellent and top services of hospitality. It has provided a satisfactory base to the customer and the desired passengers airline. The strength lies in the fact that, it has pioneered in the conveniences of the customers and it is being the first flight, which has delivered hot meals to the customers (, 2017). The strength is not measured in the context of capitalization. The brand of Singapore Airlines is described as the most popular brand in the industry of airlines. The company has secured its position as the leading brand of Airline industry through the utilization of the business model as a first mover. For example, it is being the foremost airlines that it offers refreshments in free and again it is being the first airline to give the delivery of the new A380 passengers plan and the airline industry has always made sure that it is one step ahead of the competitors. Weaknesses The weaknesses of the Singapore Airlines are it costs lot of money from its customers traveling from the Singapore Airlines. The new product launch and services would cost more money from its customers as these have been considered as expensive services. The Ticket price from Kolkata to Singapore is 48,780 in Indian currency for each person. It is evident from the comment of the Chia Cheow Ming of Tal Lee Securities in Singapore. He commented that if Singapore Airlines could attract wealthy Europeans and Americans who are willing to pay for the premium services then the company would get chance not to face the loss. After the Asian economic crisis, the turnover ratio has been dropped down in the Singapore Airlines. The company was compelled to give unpaid leave to its cabin crew for managing the economic crisis in a cost-cutting measure. The company though did not say how many employees have accepted the offer of unpaid leave. However, the Airlines have performed well in last few years. The other weakness has been created due to growing competition in the airlines market (Adl, 2013). As the competition is increasing, the market share of the Singapore Airlines is less. The current market share of the Singapore Airlines is 11.07 million dollars. There are other Asian Airlines companies in the Asia-Europe market, like, Thia Airways, Cathay Pacific, Air China, Korean Air, Malaysian Air, Air India and All Nippon Airways. However, the overcapacity in the markets, the SIA had to make some adjustment. The company could bring more new resources as like other companies would be unable to imitate the resources. Opportunities Singapore Airline has huge opportunities to expand its market into Middle East, China and India and it is providing services across the Asian region (Serpen, 2013). By the end of 2014, the SIA had made a joint venture with Tata group that has aimed to build full service airlines. India is the strategic market that the SIA group wanted to enter. However, the A380 is servicing across Paris, Frankfurt and Zurich. Singapore Airlines could have opportunity to create much deeper partnership. This is the area, which could be improved and it was traditionally a weakness. However, under Mr. Goh, the CEO of the Singapore Airlines, new partnership was being made apart from enlarging various existing partnerships. However, the problem was most of its partnerships were not at all comprehensive. The data has shown that out of 24 partners, only 11 are serving for Singapore Airlines. The other opportunities are that it could create an excellence by building airports, maintaining airports and planes, transporting cargos and operating kitchen. The company could create marketing strategies in these areas to attract more customers. In the growing competitive market, the company needs to provide its customers more opportunities to retain its excellent impression in the market. The company has to provide new services that would impress the domestic and international customers. However, if the company provides new opportunities, the domestic as well as international customers would be attracted towards its services. Threats The threats of the Singapore Airlines are competition and price hike. As there are other airline companies in the airline market beside Singapore Airlines, like, Cathay Pacific, Thai Airline, China Southern Airline, Qantas, the competition rate is much higher in the market particularly for this company. However, the SIAs has continuously introduced new products like A380 and 777-200ER. Although, other airline companies have also developed new products including premium products, that could create a threat for the Singapore Airlines (Laudon Traver, 2013). The growing competition in the market is one of the crucial threats as well as weakness for the company. As the cost of the fuel has been increased, that ticket price has increased in massive way, which could affect the business in negative way. However, the company is helpless in this situation. The company has increase its flight charge in order to gain profit. However, the Singapore Airlines Company could opt for the low cost flights in addition, the company should offer some low cost flight to its customers in order to retain in the competitive market. This offer could minimize the negative effect of the price hike. Appropriateness of SIAs Strategic Response The Singapore Airline has announced to launch its biggest product. This is appropriate decision though the company has faced severe loss (Bisbe Malagueo, 2012). Due to increasing rate of competition in the market, the decision to launch new product is perfect for facing the other competitors and drawing new customers. However, the loss happened due to Economic Crisis in the Asian region and that could be the reason for companys loss. It is expected that the company could overcome the loss after the time of the Asian economic crisis. Analyzing the weaknesses, threats and opportunities it could be said that the new product launch is necessary in the growing competitive market. However, new product launch will eventually help to retain the company in the market. Conclusion It can be concluded by stating that the mission and vision of the Singapore Airlines has been discussed along with its core competencies and it is having a great competitive advantages in the market. The company is one of the largest companies in the market and it shares excellent vision and mission that aims to provide excellent services to all its customers. The strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the Singapore Airlines has been discussed to determine the appropriateness of the companys strategic response. The way the company has handled the Economic crisis in the Asian region, launching new product in the market would affect in minimal. However, the positive effect of the new product launch would create a long-term policy for the company. By taking into account these perspectives, the assignment has determined the policies of the organization and how it has tackled the problem of the Asian crisis when the other Asia Airlines suffered tremendous loss. References Adl, A., Ashouri, M., Jamalpour, G. and Sandoosi, S.M., (2013). Overview SWOT analysis method and its application in organizations. Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies, 1(12), pp.69-74. Bisbe, J. and Malagueo, R.,( 2012). Using strategic performance measurement systems for strategy formulation: Does it work in dynamic environments?. Management Accounting Research, 23(4), pp.296-311. Coleman, J., (2013). Six components of a great corporate culture.Harvard Business Review,5(6), p.2013. Dermol, V., (2012). Relationship between mission statement and company performance.Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University-Economics,59(1), pp.321-336. Drucker, P.F., (2017).The Theory of the Business (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. G. (2013).E-commerce. Pearson. Oum, T.H. and Yu, C., (2012).Winning airlines: Productivity and cost competitiveness of the worlds major airlines. Springer Science Business Media. Serpen, E.,( 2013). Strategic planning for airlines. EVP Intervistas Consulting Group, 35., S. (2017).Singapore Airlines Official Website | Book flights from India. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Oct. 2017].
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